Friday, November 04, 2005

West Vancouver Secondary Highlanders versus Argyle

West Vancouver Secondary Highlanders versus Argyle

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Check back later for more updates.

Handsworth game pictures - CLICK HERE!

Rick goes over last minute instructions with Jessica and Anne as the team takes to the field...

That is one INTENSE umpire...

Alicia takes a free hit as Corey provides support

Anne - marking closely

Team defense! Alicia retreats in support of Laine.

Holly watches as the ball moves out of the Argyle zone...

Jessica chasing down Anna K from Argyle

Jessica hustles after the ball...

Kelly and Jessie give chase...

Jessie looks to move the ball to Angela in the Argyle "D"

Megan and Katherine buzzing the Argyle "D"

Tense moments in our "D"

Who can find the ball? Click to enlarge.

Worried players and fans look on

C'mon ladies, let's clear that ball!

CLICK to enlarge

Kath looks ready to clear...

Why is she giving Anne such a funny look? It must be those red shoes!